Why did i choose my career ?

Hello guys.

When I was child I liked to make many things for example ships, swords and cars. I bilive that It was the reason because I chose to study the career that today I am studying, Design. Realy. I did not think about in a career, but I knew that I would like to do that in my life.

At the school I was convinced that I would study something about the creation of objects.

In the year 2018 I was confused about study Achitecture or Design, however I was accept in Design at Univesidad de Chile and I think it is the best that has happened to me, because I am not restricted only to build buildings. In Design I can create anything. Tough the first year It was a challenge I enjoyed to learn many things about Design. Tough I admit that some subjects It was very bored, but I everything.

Today, for the pandemic I have not had classes at university, only for teleconference, however, I have not lose the time. I am learning about cars design I have continue with my classes, but only the teoric subjects, but soon we will start with the practical subjects.I hope for it.

Finally, I think that I took a good choice. Though I am in my second year. I like the subjects that I have, also I like the activities that we do and I hope come back soon at university.

For now It is enough. Goodbye.     



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