Some about me_ First Blog

Hello guys, I hope that all is ok.

I am writing this blog for you to know something about myself, where I am from, what I do now, what I  like and what I would like to become.

First of all, my name is Diego Barahona. I was born in San Fernando city in the sixth region. I studied at a school called "Inmaculada Concepcion". In the year 2019, I began to study Design at Universidad de Chile, which implied to move to the capital and live on my own in an unknown city. Today, a year later, I am in my house studying my second year of Design.

If I colud say something else about myself, It would be that I'm a persistent person, I like to stay with my family, listen to music and watch movies in my free time.

I would like to be an industrial designer because I like to build all kinds of things. Since I was a child.

I think that for now is enough information about myself. I suppose that in the feature, I hope to see you again.

Goodbye :)


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